TargetPoint goes beyond social ads. We're your full-service digital marketing partner, crafting tailored solutions that generate high-quality leads and elevate your brand. With over 16 countries on our client list, we offer expertise in both Social Advertising and Web Design, ensuring your success on a global scale. Learn More >
Years experience
Monthly Ad Spend in €
SERVICES Solutions for Your Business Success
We combine cutting-edge web design solutions with advanced social advertising campaigns, crafting and optimizing strategies tailored to your unique goals.
We handle the management, scaling and optimization of your Facebook and Instagram Ads.
Google & Youtube Ads
We handle the management, scaling and optimization of your Google and Youtube Ads.
Other Ads
Upon request, we run Ads on other platforms, including TikTok, LinkedIn and VK.
Web Design
We create powerful websites that elevate your brand and captivate your audience.
SERVICES Solutions for Your Business Success
We combine cutting-edge web design solutions with advanced social advertising campaigns, crafting and optimizing strategies tailored to your unique goals.